Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yesterday and the Day Before

Yesterday and the day before were both perfect fall days--but in different ways. The day before yesterday was crazy weather. One minute the sun was shining, and the next it was raining. I happened to pass by the Viewpoint at just the right moment. It had just stopped raining, and out on the bay, there was a gorgeous, moody scene, always changing, as the big cumulus clouds passed by overhead, making for theatrical effects of light and shadow. Yesterday was a clear day. The sky was blue, and the leaves yellow, orange and red. There were still a few clouds, as I recall, but not as many. I thought I'd take just one or two photos, but it seems to me I must have taken almost 100. It couldn't have been more beautiful. It seems to me every season has one or two days that are the most wonderful, or at least the most typical, of that season. Today was cool and drizzly, and I expect there won't be any day quite as splendid as yesterday until sometime in the middle of winter, when there will be a snowy day, or a day when the mountains are at their prime. Of course there can always be incredible sunrises, but in my experience these are often best in about January. And then there are full moons, but sometimes around this time of year, it rains so much you don't even get to see the moon when it's full.

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